
Epic Adventure Camp

Priority registration for current Before & After Care participants and 2024 Adventure Camp registrants:

January 13-February 13

For Kids Entering Grades 2-7

June 9-August 15

Fountain View Recreation Center

The majority of the camp day is spent outdoors playing sports and games. Weekly highlights include visiting McCaslin Park, mini golf at Coyote Crossing, additional park visits, and multiple days of swimming at Coral Cove Water Park. During inclement weather and for breaks from the summer sun, camp will be moved indoors.

Weekly registration is offered. Before and After Camp are available at Simkus Recreation Center; campers are shuttled to and from Fountain View Recreation Center for Summer Camp.


Receive the early bird discount on all weeks you register for by April 30. Any new or additional weeks registered after April 30 are charged at the standard rate.

Register online or at Simkus or Fountain View Recreation Centers. Completion of a registration form is only necessary for in-person enrollments. A $35 nonrefundable enrollment fee and payment for your child’s first week are due at registration. A weekly payment plan is available. Additional participant information is required through ePact prior to attendance.

Second graders must be 7 years old by September 1. If your child needs a one-on-one inclusion aide from WDSRA, all requests must be received to CSPD by April. 30.  Request must be received four weeks prior to the start of camp during peak seasons.

Register Online


Program Schedule

Before Camp 7:00-9:00am Simkus Recreation Center
Summer Camp 9:00am-4:00pm Fountain View Recreation Center
After Camp 4:00-6:30pm Simkus Recreation Center

Weekly registration is offered so you can sign up for exactly what you need. The anticipated camp dates are June 9-August 15, but may be adjusted. Camp is not held on July 4. Discounts and refunds are not offered for absences of any sort.

Epic Adventure Campers registered for Before Camp must be dropped off at Simkus Recreation Center by 8:45am. Staff will transport them to Fountain View Recreation Center for Summer Camp. Those in After Camp will be transported back to Simkus Recreation Center for pick-up anytime after 4:15pm and before 6:30pm.

Register Online

Payment Information

6/9-6/27 &7/7-8/15
Summer Camp $175R/$195NR $140R/$156NR
Before Camp $40R/$45NR $32R/$36NR
After Camp $50R/$55NR $40R/$44NR


6/9-6/27 &7/7-8/15
Summer Camp $185R/$205NR $148R/$164NR
Before Camp $45R/$50NR $36R/$40NR
After Camp $55R/$60NR $44R/$48NR

Register now, pay later. No need to pay for the full summer in advance. A $35 non-refundable enrollment fee and your first week of camp are due at registration. Sign up for a payment plan, to be automatically drafted from a credit card or bank account on Mondays, two weeks prior to each attendance week. Completion of an Automatic Payment Request Form is required with payment plans. Fees can also be paid in full at the time of registration.

Camp is not held on July 4 – fees are prorated accordingly.

Non-Residents who attend D93, D25 and Pleasant Hill Schools or are employees of a Carol Stream business are eligible for resident rates. Visit our registration desk for discounted enrollment with your child’s current report card or proof of employment.

Please note our 2025 withdrawal procedures:

  • Campers must withdraw by Sunday, two full weeks prior to the start of the camp week, to receive a full credit. Refunds (not credits or transfers) are charged a 10% service fee.
  • Credits/refunds/transfers are not available for cancelations after final camp payment has been made for any reason.  

We appreciate you planning any schedule changes more than two weeks in advance. Contact our registration team at (630)784-6100 with questions.

Register Online

Example Schedule


 Visit Hampe Park Visit McCaslin Park Swimming at Coral Cove Water Park Otter Cove Water Park Field Trip Swimming at Coral Cove Water Park
Soccer Bankshot Basketball Spike Ball Four Square
Squirt Gun Wars Sand Volleyball Kickball Steal the Bacon
Ships & Sailors Mini Golf at Coyote Crossing Tie Dye T-Shirts Dodgeball

Register Online

Additional Information


By registering, participants agree to abide by all Carol Stream Park District rules and policies while in summer camp. Participants not following our code of conduct may be immediately and permanently suspended.


Our goal is to accommodate as many families as possible. Space in the Epic Adventure Camp program is limited. The Carol Stream Park District reserves the right to adjust minimums, maximums, and locations based on the availability of space, staff, and enrollment in order to maintain the safety, structure, and integrity of the program as a whole. Maximum enrollment may be updated at any time, without notice.

Childcare Expense Statements

Reprinted receipts and Flexible Spending Reports (including all potential childcare expenses within a given time frame) are available for your records. The Carol Stream Park District is not responsible or liable for determining childcare expenses. Tax statements are automatically emailed to households with email addresses on file and mailed to all other homes by the end of January each year.


  • Registration runs on a weekly basis. There is no daily registration offered.
  • Space is limited at Epic Adventure Camp. Register early to ensure your camper’s spot.

District 93, District 25 and Pleasant Hill Registration Discounts

Children currently enrolled in District 93, District 25, and Pleasant Hill schools who do not live in Carol Stream are eligible for registration discounts. The first week of registration must be paid at the nonresident rate. All remaining weeks may be charged at the resident rate. In order to receive this discount, a current report card must be shown at the time of registration. Discount is only applicable on weekly registrations.

Emergency Contact & Release

  • Only authorized individuals listed on the Emergency Contact and Release Form are permitted to sign your child out. You are responsible for providing staff with any changes to the individuals who are authorized to pick up your child.
  • Only the custodial parent(s) or guardian(s) may approve additions or changes to the Authorized Pick-up List.
  • All participants should have at least one emergency contact who lives within a five-mile radius of the program location.
  • Parents/Guardians are also responsible for informing staff of any changes to primary custody, restraining orders, or any other situations or changes that may affect the participant.


  • In order to maintain enrollment, payments must be made in full and on time.
  • Outstanding fees due to the Carol Stream Park District must be paid prior to registering.
  • Participants not remaining in good standing may be restricted from enrolling and is required to pay fees at the time of registration.
  • Payments cannot be made with camp staff.
  • Partial payments are not accepted. All balances must be paid in full and on time in order to continue participation.

Automatic Payment

  • Automatic Payment can be set up at any time.
  • Complete an Automatic Payment Form and your payments are automatically debited from your credit card or checking account on the corresponding Automatic Payment Draft Dates.
  • Payments that are not successfully processed through Automatic Payment must be cleared up by the Tuesday prior to the camp session.
  • If payment is not received by Tuesday the week prior to the camp session, you are withdrawn from all future sessions until payment and updated account information is received.
  • Payments that are returned with insufficient funds are charged a $20 fee and may result in the forfeiture of this payment option.


Registration is accepted in three ways:

  • Pay and register for all sessions at the time of registration.
  • Register for sessions upfront and pay later with Automatic Payment Form (EFT through credit card or checking account).
  • Pay for some sessions at the time of registration and enroll in Automatic Payment for weeks that are not yet due.
  • Note, online registrations require immediate payment and are not eligible for Automatic Payment.


The Epic Adventure Camp program will utilize ePACT for participant information. Registered campers will receive an email to input or confirm necessary information including, but not limited to: authorized contact and pick up people, swim permission and emergency information.

All campers must have ePACT profiles completed prior to their first day of camp. Campers will not be permitted to attend until ePACT information has been completed.

Special Needs

If your child has any special medical, physical, psychological, emotional needs, or receives any special services from CCSD93, list them in detail on your registration material. Lack of information may adversely affect the Carol Stream Park District’s ability to accommodate the needs of your child and may necessitate that participant’s removal from the program. The Carol Stream Park District is not responsible for any injuries, complications, damages, or losses due to withheld information. All participants must be toilet-trained and are responsible for all of their own toileting needs (i.e., fastening their own clothing). Special needs support (WDSRA) for Awesome Adventure Camp must be requested by May 1.


  • Withdrawals must be made via email or phone.
  • Campers must withdraw by Sunday, two full weeks prior to the start of the camp week, to receive a full credit. Refunds are charged a 10% service fee.
  • Credits/refunds/transfers are not available for cancelations after final camp payment has been made for any reason.
  • Discounts, credits, and refunds are not granted due to absences of any sort, including illness.
  • The service fee is applied for refunds; see full refund policy
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