
Adventure Camp Handbook

You want the best for your child and our goal is to provide a summer filled with memories that last a lifetime!

This information is intended to provide you with an overview of the policies that have been put in place to secure the safety and success of all the children who attend our summer camp. Weekly Camp Newsletters have important information for the upcoming weeks.




Activities for the week are detailed in the Camp Chronicle, sent via email every Friday. Refer to the Camp Chronicle when planning your camper’s week.


  • Movies may be shown.
  • All movies shown are rated “PG” or “G.”

Pool Rules

  • Parents must complete the Swim Permission in ePACT & indicate the maximum pool depth allowed. Campers without completed permissions must remain in shallow pool areas.
  • Children listed as Swimmer or Unsure are swim tested. Based on the results, campers who are unable to swim 25 yards unassisted are restricted to certain areas of the pool.
  • Children who do not pass the swim test may only be tested one additional time during the summer.
  • Children must wear color-coded bracelets indicating those who are restricted swimmers.
  • All regular pool rules apply.
  • Running and horseplay in the pool and on deck are not permitted.
  • Campers must use the buddy system when swimming and when in the locker room/washroom.
  • Campers should not linger unnecessarily in the locker room.

Label swimsuits, towels, bags, shoes and all personal items with your child’s name using a permanent marker

Field Trips

  • Consult the Daily Activity Schedule or the weekly Camp Chronicle for field trip dates and locations.
    • The Camp Chronicle is sent out the Friday prior to the following  camp week.
  • All Summer Camp rules apply at outside sites.
  • Campers may not bring money for candy, souvenirs, etc. on trips, unless noted otherwise in the Camp Chronicle. Camper’s are responsible for any money/items purchased while on field trips.
  • Campers must stay with their group/buddy while on field trips.

Bus & Van Rules

  • Yelling, throwing items, littering, standing, and other unsafe behaviors are not permitted.
  • Refrain from eating and drinking in the bus and van.
  • Remain seated until directed to disembark.
  • All participants must wear a seat belt at all times.

Attire & Personal Belongings


  • Dress for the weather – Layer clothing for comfort in case the day gets warmer or colder or send additional layers.
  • Wear gym shoes for safety during activities.
  • No clothing that depicts violence or inappropriate scenes is allowed.

Personal Belongings

  • Bringing personal belongings and toys from home is strongly discouraged.
  • Any toys that are brought from home must have prior approval from the Camp Supervisor.
  • Electronic handheld games (Nintendo DS, etc.) and MP3 players (iPods, etc.) are only allowed as designated by staff.
  • The trading of Pokemon cards, and similar items, is not allowed at camp.
    • Campers are not to exchange money with other campers.
  • Personal Belongings may not be shared with other campers.
  • Mark your child’s name on all personal belongings.
  • Staff is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items, including backpacks, swimsuits, towels, glasses, toys and phones.
  • Staff may restrict or withhold inappropriate items.

Staff is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.

Behavior & Discipline

Discipline Standard

Discipline is carried out in a way that helps children develop self-control and assume responsibility for their own behavior. We encourage children to solve their own conflicts. When necessary, staff assists children in understanding each other’s actions. We make every effort to assist the child in correcting any unacceptable behavior through re-direction, reminders of expected behavior, time-outs, and parent conferences. Our approach focuses on positive reinforcement; staff act in a manner that is kind and caring, yet firm.

A time-out is  given with a Time-out Worksheet or verbal warning.

  • If the negative behavior continues after multiple time-outs or warnings, a written Conduct Report is filed with the Lead Counselor and parents.
  •  A Conduct Report may be issued immediately, without warnings or time-outs, for any serious infractions including physical/emotional harm to a camper or staff, destruction of property, and any major safety concerns.
  •  Staff works with the child and parent to correct behavior. Parents are required to sign the Conduct Report which remains in the child’s file.
  •  On the occurrence of a third Conduct Report, the child is suspended for a minimum of one day, or more, depending on the severity of the infraction.
  • Suspension may be effective immediately, without three conduct reports, depending upon the severity of the infraction. On a case by case basis, staff may authorize a delayed start to a suspension for up to 48 hours following the infraction.
  • If upon return, inappropriate behavior continues, or three additional Conduct Reports are issued, staff may permanently suspend the child. Future participation  is determined by the Carol Stream Park District on a case by case basis.
  • Refunds and prorations are not issued for suspensions.

The Carol Stream Park District reserves the right to immediately and permanently suspend a participant for serious infractions.

Code of Conduct

Participants, parents, and guardians are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The following standards have been established for the benefit of our programs as a whole. The safety, structure, and integrity of the program take priority over those of any one individual. Behavior guidelines are not limited to, but are based on, the following overall rules and apply to all participants. The term “participant” is henceforth be used to represent children, parents, and guardians.

  • Participants must show respect to all other participants, staff, property, equipment, and facilities.
  • Participants must follow the directive of staff and all program-specific rules.
  • Participants may not harass, bully, or intimidate through the use of words, foul language, gestures, body language, phones, texting or other devices, social media, or menacing behavior.
  • Participants must refrain from threatening, spitting, or causing physical harm to other participants and staff.
  • Participants may not place themselves or others in dangerous situations through their actions or behavior.
  • Participants may not possess weapons, devices that may be used as a weapon, or illegal substances.
  • Participants may not demonstrate any sexual suggestiveness or sexual activity.
  • Parents/Guardians may not instruct their children to disregard the staff’s directions or to respond physically with violent or threatening behavior or language.
  • Parents/Guardians may not direct, discipline, or instruct children other than their own.
  • Staff reserve the right to dismiss, suspend, or ban any individual who represents a risk or danger from program premises (including buildings, parking lots, playgrounds, and surrounding areas).
  • Participants must keep track of their own belongings. Staff is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged belongings including backpacks, glasses, towels, toys, cell phones, etc.

Zero Tolerance Policy: Bullying, verbal and physical abuse, threats, and disrespect are not tolerated. Participants are held accountable for their actions in compliance with the Carol Stream Park District Code of Conduct. All threats or threatening behavior is taken seriously and are reported to the authorities. Participants using threats of death, violence, or suicide are immediately suspended and are required to undergo a professional safety evaluation at their own expense. The participant may be eligible to return to the program upon approval of the Carol Stream Park District and receipt of said evaluation stating that the participant is not at risk to themselves or others. If a second Zero Tolerance Violation occurs, future participation will be determined by the CSPD on a case by case basis.

Daily Camper Checklist

Campers are required to bring the following items to camp every day, regardless of what activities are scheduled.


Refillable Water Bottle

  • Campers must have their own drinking vessel, which can be refilled at the touchless water dispenser.

Sack Lunch

  • Refrigerators are not available to store lunches and microwaves are also unavailable.


  • Additional snacks are allowed, but eating is restricted to specific times.


  • Send your camper with sunscreen already applied.
  • Keep spray sunscreen in your child’s backpack. (Camp counselors can only assist with spray sunscreen.)

Swim Suit and Towel (for water days and swim days – noted on the week’s Camp Chronicle).

Drop-Off Procedures

Before Camp Drop-Off

Although staff arrive prior to program start times to prepare for the day, they are NOT permitted to admit participants prior to 7:00am for Before Camp.

Parents park their cars and escort their camper into the building.

Outdoor Adventure Campers registered for Before Camp must be dropped off at Simkus by 8:45am. Staff will transport them to Evergreen School for Summer Camp.

Awesome Adventure Camp Drop-Off (8:50-9:15am)

There is a 10 minute grace period for Summer Camp drop-off only. Staff cannot accept campers before 8:50am if they are not registered for Before Camp. In case of emergency, an early drop-off results in $10 fee, charged to the credit card on file.

Parents park their cars and walk their camper to the appropriate entrance:

  • Last name A-M, drop off at the main entrance (by the circle drive).
  • Last name N-Z, drop off at the north east entrance.
  • Do not park in the circle drive/fire lane.
  • Line forms outside, except in inclement weather.

Due to high enrollment, prepare for a short wait. Once signed in, staff escort participants to camp.

For late drop-offs after 9:15, call 630-936-5480 for assistance. If camp is not at Simkus Recreation Center, you will be directed to drop off your child at the offsite location.

Outdoor Adventure Camp Drop Off (8:50-9:15am):

There is a 10 minute grace period for Summer Camp drop-off only. Staff cannot accept campers before 8:50am.

Parents park their cars and walk their camper to the main entrance. Do not park in the circle drive/fire lane. Line forms outside, except in inclement weather. Due to high enrollment, prepare for a short wait. Once signed in, staff escort participants to camp.

For late drop-offs after 9:15, call 630-936-5478 for assistance. If camp is not at Evergreen School, you will be directed to drop off your child at the offsite location.

Pick-up Procedures

Campers must be picked up by the end of their registered program time. In the event that you are unable to pick up your child by the designated time, notify the site immediately. Late pick-ups incur a late pick-up fee, charged to the payment method on file.

To expedite the sign-out process, we recommend uploading a clear photo into ePACT or having your QR code from ePACT ready. Otherwise, a photo ID with full name is required. Verifying your identity is necessary prior to staff  releasing participants to parents, guardians, and authorized contacts. Anyone picking up your child must be listed in ePACT.

Awesome Adventure Camp Pick-Up (3:45-4:00pm)

Parents park their cars and meet staff at the appropriate entrance:

  • Last name A-M, drop off at the main entrance (by the circle drive).
  • Last name N-Z, drop off at the north east entrance.
  • Do not park in the circle drive/fire lane.
  • Line forms outside, except in inclement weather.

Due to high enrollment, prepare for a short wait. Once signed out, staff escort participants outside to parent.

If arriving earlier than the pick-up time, call 630-936-5480 for assistance. If camp is not at Simkus Recreation Center, you may pick up your camper at their offsite location.

Outdoor Adventure Camp Pick Up (3:45-4:00pm):

Parents park their cars and meet staff at the main entrance. Do not park in the circle drive/fire lane. Line forms outside, except in inclement weather. Due to high enrollment, prepare for a short wait. Once signed out, staff escort participants outside to parent.

If arriving earlier than the pick-up time, call 630-936-5478 for assistance. If camp is not at Evergreen School, you may pick up your camper at their offsite location.

After Camp

Parents park their cars and meet staff inside the building.

Outdoor Adventure Campers in After Camp are transported to Simkus Recreation Center for pick-up after 4:15pm.

Late Pick-up Fee 

  • A $12 late fee is applied after the first 10 minutes of being late (ex: Summer Camp Pick Up ends at 4:00pm. The late fee is applied if a guardian is late picking up the camper after 4:05 pm. 
  • This late fee is charged to the payment method on file.
  • If late pick-up becomes habitual, the camper may be suspended or withdrawn from the program.

Authorized Pick-ups

  • In case of emergency, all participants must have at least one additional contact person that lives within 20 minutes of the program location, in addition to their parents/guardians.
  • Authorized pick-up names must be added to ePACT by the parent/guardian with primary custody.
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for informing staff of any changes to primary custody, restraining orders, or any other situations or changes that may affect the participant.

There is no obligation for the park district to provide or communicate any participant information from the registration system or ePACT to any parent or guardian. Parents/guardians are responsible for communicating participant registration, emergency, and authorized pick-up information to all necessary people. Disputes regarding participant information must be settled off-site, and without any involvement of Carol Steam Park District. If these requirements are not followed, then services to the child may be terminated.

Only the custodial parent/guardian listed in the child’s ePACT account may obtain and change information. Financial information is only communicated with the person named as responsible for the child’s account.

Camper Essential Eligibility and Expectations

Campers must be able to follow and comply with staff directions without physical intervention

Campers must comply with the established behavior code of conduct and be devoid of behavior necessitating physical intervention.

Campers must be independent in managing personal care (toileting, feeding, changing clothes, personal hygiene, hand washing) and all personal belongings.

Communication with Staff

Awesome Adventure Camp

For matters that require immediate attention during program operating hours, along with late drop-offs and early pick-ups, contact the Camp Supervisor via cell phone: 630-936-5480. This phone is staffed from approximately 7am-6:30 pm. This phone is active as of the first day of camp. For issues that do not require immediate assistance, including registration matters, contact the Camp Supervisor’s desk line at 630-784-6185. This phone is staffed from approximately 8 am-4 pm.  In order to reach the Camp Supervisor prior to the first day of camp, call 630-784-6185.

The Camp Chronicle is sent out weekly with reminders, updates, and the coming week’s schedule.

Epic Adventure Camp

For matters that require immediate attention during program operating hours, contact the Camp Supervisor via cell phone: 630-962-1961. This phone is staffed from approximately 8:45am-4pm. For matters that require immediate attention during before camp or after camp, contact the Camp Supervisor via cell phone: 630-962-1961. This phone is staffed from approximately 7am-8:45am and 4:00pm-6:30 pm. For issues that do not require immediate assistance, including registration matters, contact the Camp Supervisor’s desk line at 630-784-6119. This phone is staffed from approximately 8 am-4 pm.  In order to reach the Camp Supervisor prior to the first day of camp, call 630-784-6119.

The Camp Chronicle is sent out weekly with reminders, updates, and the coming week’s schedule.


Authorized Individuals

Only current Carol Stream Park District staff, current participants, parents, guardians, invited special guests, and authorized pick-ups are allowed on or around premises during program hours. We ask that parents/guardians refrain from entering the program rooms during drop-off and pick-up.

Partners & Groups

Children are not permitted to leave the group on their own.

Photo ID

Staff reserves the right to request a photo ID at all times.


Participants must maintain a professional relationship at all times with other participants and program staff.


Parents must complete a health assessment prior to dropping off their child at summer camp. Children should not attend if they’re exhibiting symptoms of illness. Review the Park District Health Protocol here.

Healthy Kids Standards

  • If your child is running a fever (99.9 or above) or appears sick, we request that you are considerate of other children and staff and keep your child home from camp. If a camper is exhibiting signs of illness while at camp, we ask that parents are prepared to pick up as immediately as possible. Our policy is that participants must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to the program.
  • If your child contracts a contagious condition that restricts them from returning, inform camp staff.
  • Participants must receive appropriate treatment, depending on the condition, and may require a medical release form from a physician before returning.
  • Cases of head lice require a doctors note confirming your child is no longer contagious prior to return.
  • Paramedics are called to handle serious injuries. If your child needs emergency medical care, we accompany them and a parent/guardian must meet us at the medical facility as immediately as possible.
  • There are no refunds for absences, including due to sickness.

Health & Medical Emergency Standard

The Carol Stream Park District continually strives to create a safe environment for your child. However, at times an accident may occur. Below are our policies and procedures regarding notifying parents and guardians of any such incidents:

Minor Injury/Illness:

  • Staff only administers basic first aid, including band-aids and ice packs as necessary according to staff training.
  •  You are notified when you arrive to pick-up your child of such an incident

Moderate Injury/Illness:

  • In addition to the steps above, we attempt to contact you or your emergency contacts in the event that you are unreachable.
  • An accident report may be completed. Accident reports are internal documents that cannot be given out to participants.

Serious Injury/Illness:

  • In addition to the steps above, your child may need to be picked up from camp immediately.
  • Emergency transportation may be arranged as deemed necessary.

Healthy Kids Standards

  • If your child is running a fever (99.9 or above) or appears sick, we request that they be picked up as immediately as possible. Our policy is that participants must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to the program.
  • We also ask that you be considerate of other children and staff and keep your child home if they show signs of illness.
  • If your child contracts a contagious condition that restricts them from returning, inform camp staff.
  • Participants must receive appropriate treatment, depending on the condition, and may require a medical release form from a physician before returning.
  • Cases of head lice require a doctors note confirming your child is no longer contagious prior to return.
  • Paramedics are called to handle serious injuries. If your child needs emergency medical care, we accompany them and a parent/guardian must meet us at the medical facility as immediately as possible.
  • There are no refunds for absences, including due to sickness.


As with all Carol Stream Park District programs, the Awesome Adventure Camp programs do not provide insurance coverage for participants. Parents should check their individual insurance policies for coverage.


Strict policies have been put in place regarding the dispensing of medication to participants. These steps must be taken if a participant is required to receive medication while in the program. This includes restrictions for cough drops, vitamins, pain relievers, inhalers, epi-pens, and other over the counter or prescription drugs.

Parents/guardians are required to complete the Permission to Dispense Medication in ePACT for all medications to be administered to participants by staff or by the participant themselves.

Medications Administered by Staff

  • The parent or guardian must complete the Permission to Dispense Medication information in ePACT.
  • The parent or guardian provides the Carol Steam Park District staff with the child’s medication in the original container with a prescription label that includes the patient’s name, physician’s name, pharmacy name, name of the medication, and complete dosage information. The proper dosage for only one day should be sent in the original container each day.
  • The parent is responsible for reviewing all pertinent medication directions with the staff before or at drop-off.

Self-Administration of Inhalers & Epi-Pens 

  • The parent or guardian must complete the Permission to Dispense Medication information in ePACT.
  • The parent or guardian provides the Carol Steam Park District staff with the child’s medication in the original container with a prescription label that includes the patient’s name, physician’s name, pharmacy name, name of the medication, and complete dosage information.
  • The parent is responsible for reviewing all pertinent medication directions with the staff before or at drop-off.

Special Needs

If your child has any special medical, physical, psychological, or emotional needs, or receives any special services, notify the program supervisor and include details in ePACT. If your child needs an inclusion aide from the Western DuPage Special Recreation Association, contact the program supervisor at the time of registration so that we can submit a request immediately. The deadline for summer inclusion support is April 30. Aides are secured for you at no cost, if available.

Lack of information adversely affect the Park District’s ability to accommodate the needs of your child. Problems resulting from withheld information may necessitate the participant’s suspension from the program until appropriate accommodations can be made for a more successful camp experience.
All participants are held to the same code of conduct & behavior policies, unless otherwise discussed. The following essential eligibility requirements apply:

  • Campers must be independent in managing personal care (toileting, feeding, changing clothes, personal hygiene, hand washing) and all personal belongings.
  • Campers must refrain from physically aggressive behaviors such as biting, spitting, scratching, hitting, kicking, etc. or behaviors that require direct or close proximity intervention from staff.
  • Campers must be able to stay in safe proximity to the group and refrain from elopement or wandering.
  • Campers must be able to respond to verbal prompts and lack the need for hand-over-hand instruction.
  • Campers must be able to be responsible for their personal items with verbal prompts and reminders.

Camp Withdrawal Procedure

2024 withdrawal procedures:

  • Campers must withdraw by Sunday, two full weeks prior to the start of the camp week, to receive a full credit. Refunds are charged a 10% service fee.
  • Credits/refunds/transfers are not available for cancelations after final camp payment has been made for any reason.
  • Contact our registration team at (630)784-6100 with questions.

Payment Plan

Sign up for a payment plan, to be automatically drafted from a credit card or bank account Mondays two weeks prior to each attendance week. Completion of an Automatic Payment Request Form is required for all payment plans. Payments must be made on time based on the scheduled payment plan. If payments are not collected, participant will be withdrawn prior to camp week and unable to attend. Fees can also be paid in full at the time of registration. If a participant is withdrawn due to lack of payment, and wishes to re-enroll, registration will be charged based on the current (not early bird) rates. Multiple payment infractions may result in removal from future weeks.

Fees can also be paid in full at the time of registration or with a different payment method prior to the scheduled payment draft date.

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